115 Grady Avenue

Athens, Georgia 30601

115 Grady Avenue

Athens, Georgia 30601

Why Become a Member?

Becoming a member in Town & Gown is the best way for you to become more involved in the theatre; to support it in a more personal manner than simply buying tickets.

What is membership?

Becoming a member of the Town & Gown Players is a way for you to become more involved in the theatre, to support it in a more personal manner than simply buying tickets. Players get a say in how the theater is run, what shows are produced, and so forth. Only members can direct shows, and only members can elect the Board of Directors who do the day-to-day operation of the theatre and change the bylaws that govern the theatre. Members also get a special perq: if you are in the cast or crew of a show or work on the set, props, etc you receive a complimentary ticket voucher to use for any show that season or to pass along to friends or family.

Membership does cost, but at only $20 per calendar year, it’s a great deal.

You can become a member by:

  • Leaving a check or money order for $20 (along with your name and contact information) in the Membership Chair slot in the Box Office at the theater.
  • Sending a check or money order for $20 (along with your name and contact information) to Membership Committee, Town & Gown Players, P.O. Box 565, Athens 30603
  • Paying online. To do that, click the “Sign Up Now” button to the right. You will be directed to PayPal, where you can pay by Credit Card (or checking account, if you’re already a verified PayPal member).

Thank you for supporting Town & Gown in this most fundamental and important manner: by becoming a member!

For more information on membership, send an e-mail to membership@townandgownplayers.org or call (706) 548-3854.